Location Register
In order to ease both Asset tracking and Call Logging, Concept Evolution allows every Location (i.e. Room, corridor, storage cupboard, etc.) to be defined. Locations can be created to a Building either in the Building Register window, or through the Location Register. If a Location is defined from within the Building Register, the Building field for the new Location is automatically completed on creation.
The list of Locations are maintained here.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register
The link will open the Location Register grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.
To add a new Location click New
, to edit and existing Location click Edit
. A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Location.
Building |
From the drop down select the Building - for more information see Building Register. |
Floor |
From the drop down select the Floor where the Location is situated - for more information see Floors. Available from 4.4.5 as a drop down.
Description |
The description of the Location. |
Area |
From the drop down select the Area - for more information see Areas. Available from 4.4.5 |
Telephone |
The telephone number of the Location. |
Location Number |
The location or room number. |
Barcode |
The barcode of the Location. |
Power Points |
The number of power points in the Location. |
Network Points |
The number of network points in the Location. |
Facilities Booking Details
24 Hours |
Check the box if the Location is available 24 hours a day - this will make the room bookable 24 hours a day within the Facilities Booking module. |
Start Time |
If the Location is not available 24 hours a day for Facilities Booking, the time it is available from. |
Finish Time |
If the Location is not available 24 hours a day for Facilities Booking, the closure or Finish Time of the Location. |
Setup Time |
The time it takes to set the Location up for a Facilities Booking. |
Closure Time |
The time it takes to close a Location after a Facilities Booking. |
Standard Seats |
The number of seats in the Location in standard set up. - this field must be completed if Visual Bookings is in use. |
Max Seats |
The maximum number of seats that can be set up in a Location. |
Exam Seats |
The number of exam seats that can be set up in the Room. |
Location URL |
The URL of the Location. |
Status and Type
Location Status |
From the drop down select the Location Status - for more information see Location Status |
Location Type |
From the drop down select the Location Types. - adding a Location Type is what makes this Location bookable, for more information see Location Types. |
Cost Centre |
From the drop down select the Cost Centre - for more information see Cost Centres |
Condition |
From the drop down select the Location Condition - for more information see Location Conditions. |
Stock Location |
Check the box if this is to be a stock location - PPMs cannot be set up in Stock Locations. |
Exam Capable |
Check the box if this Location can be used for exams. |
User Defined Fields |
User Defined Fields |
Check the required boxes- these filters are used in the Facilities Booking module to aid searching.
Net Usable Space |
The usable floor space of the Location. |
Service Charge |
The service charge for the Location. |
Rate |
The changeable rate for the Location. |
Per |
To be used in connection with rate, from the drop down select (whether the Rate should be ) daily or hourly .
Latitude |
The latitude of the Location. Available from 4.4.5 |
Longitude |
The longitude of the Location. Available from 4.4.5 |
Elevation |
The elevation of the Location. Available from 4.4.5 |
External System |
Free text for use with BIM Authoring Application. Available from 4.4.5 |
External Object |
Free text for use with BIM Authoring Application. Available from 4.4.5 |
External Identifier |
Free text for use with BIM Authoring Application. Available from 4.4.5 |
GIS Reference |
Geographical Information Reference. Available from 4.4.5 |
Complete the fields and click Save
. Once the Location header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned / created. These include:
- Contacts
- Group Locations
- Inventory
- Room Layouts
- Department
- Conseq Unavailable
- Floor Plan
- Estates Management
Click to view more detail.
Additional Contacts can be assigned to Locations.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Contacts
The link will open the Location Register / Contacts grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.
To assign Contacts click Assign
, entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.
To create Contacts see Contacts
Group Locations
Click to view more detail.
Locations can be grouped together for Facilities Booking purposes, so if a Location has removable walls, multiple Locations can be booked out at once.
Note: To define grouped locations a minimum of three locations must be created; one for each single room and one for the room combination Example: Training Room 1, Training Room 2 and Training Room 1&2 , which is the grouped location. This means that Training Room 1 or 2 can be booked separately, but if Training Room 1&2 is booked it will add a booking in both Locations.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Group Locations
The link will open the Location Register / Group Locations grid. It is a Grid view that can be customised and sorted as normal.
To assign Locations click Assign
, entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.
Click to view more detail.
Inventory can be allocated to a Location for Facilities Booking purposes. The Inventory must have been marked as either "fixed" or "fixed and floating" to be assigned to a Location.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Inventory
The link will open the Location Register / Inventory grid. It is a grid view that can be customised and sorted as normal.
To assign Inventory click Assign
, entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.
To create Inventory see Inventory Items
Room Layouts
Click to view more detail.
A room may have many different layouts available, e.g. Meeting room, Horse shoe, Cinema Style etc. Each of these layouts can have different attendee limits, setup and closure times.
Once a booking has been made against a location the Room Layout can be changed.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Room Layouts
To add a new Room Layout click New
, to edit an existing Room Layout click Edit
. A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Room Layout.
Room Type |
From the drop down select the Location Types - this is used to indicate the different set up styles of the Location. |
Standard Seats |
The number of seats in the Location in Standard set up - this field must be completed if Visual Bookings is in use. |
Max Seats |
The maximum number of seats that can be set up in a Location. |
Exam Seats |
The number of exam seats that can be set up in the Location. |
Setup Time |
The time it takes to set the Location up for a Facilities Booking. |
Closure Time |
The time it takes to close a Location after a Facilities Booking. |
Click to view more detail.
Locations can be linked to Departments.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Departments
The link will open the Location Register / Departments grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.
To assign Departments click Assign
, entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.
To create Departments see Departments
Conseq Unavailable - Payment Mechanism module only
Click to view more detail.
Consequential Unavailability is used to mark locations as unavailable as a knock on effect of a fault in another Location. e.g. if no water is available in the kitchen the cafeteria will have to close. This is part of the Payment Mechanism Module
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Conseq Unavailable
The link will open the Location Register / Conseq Unavailable grid. It is a grid view that can be customised and sorted as normal.
To assign Locations click Assign
, entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.
Floor Plan - Excitech module only
Click to view more detail.
Available from 4.4.5
Excitech Layersets can be linked to a Location.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Floor Plan
From the drop down select the Excitech Layerset. For more information see Excitech Settings
Catering Exclusions - Facilities Booking Module only
Click to view more detail.
Catering Menus are not always available for all Locations. If certain catering is not available in this Location it can be excluded from either the Location or the Catering Menus Entity.
Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register - Catering Exclusions
The link will open the Location Register / Catering Exclusions grid. It is a grid view that can be customised and sorted as normal.
To assign Catering Exclusions click Assign
, entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.
Estates Management
Click to view more detail.
If using the Estates Management Module Rent, Lease and Rates Registers can be linked to a Location, and Locations Utilities can be recorded.
For more information see: